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Hello , there could i ask you something?! Where did you make your logo???

(1 edit)

Played this game myself -- Added subtitles and whatnot to it myself (in the video)-- some sounds did play, but some didn't.

Can check out the video here: 

Amazing game though!

Dear developer, configuration window can not be minimized. I went to sleep and then screen say day ? +2 and then i put all nutrition boxes to toilet and then i flush toilet and then i fall and appear in black room and i could not figure out. I think i found bug. Also i can not set graphic quality in game. I can not set vsync. I can not set antialiasing. sounds are missing. I can not pause game with esc button. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. I can not run with shift button. I can not crouch with ctrl button. I can not jump with space bar.

I thought it was nice. Nice and short. A bit confusing. Thanks!

Thanks for playing! The game was meant to slowly present itself to the player but the game jam was just too short to create enough content to do that effectively, hence a bit confusing :)

I'm stuck in the drain and I can't get out... :/

Yep, that's the end of the game (there is no outside). This was for a two day game jam and I was a one man team so I didn't have time to implement an end game.